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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2019

Yes I am old but I saw ACDC on stage shirt

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BUY AT: Yes I am old but I saw ACDC on stage shirt This is a very serious situation - we need to be supportive of our President - all of us - and if you can’t be at this time you are un-American - shame !! Pray for the Yes I am old but I saw ACDC on stage shirt Baghdad and stop acting like a bunch of children !Troops were told to Stand Down during Benghazi. Embassy overrun, ambassador and assistant murdered as well as brave courageous men who tried to help.Thank God this president is doing the right thing!Almighty God we ask that you wrap your arms around our troops and keep them safe from those who would harm them. Give them the wisdom, courage, and strength to fight every obstacle in their path. Give our president the wisdom to keep our country safe. In thy name, we pray.

So here I am doing everything I can shirt

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BUY AT: So here I am doing everything I can shirt What happened to the So here I am doing everything I can shirt ?? Thought he would be hosting their New Year's Eve party tonight! We were forced to change the station and watch ABC!Praying that the dems. will leave our President alone and let him do his job! All they care about is the impeachment while our country is in danger and we have our military in harms way! God bless you Mister PresidentIf Hillary was President she would have left them to die and Obama would have sent them a billion dollars. Thank You President Trump for caring about America and it’s people

What does OU and Weed have in common both get smoked in a bowl shirt

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BUY AT: What does OU and Weed have in common both get smoked in a bowl shirt Hatred started with the last What does OU and Weed have in common both get smoked in a bowl shirt . When the president took the side of a criminal trying to take a cops gun over the policeman trying to save his own life. That changed the whole country for the worse.How about an atmosphere where anyone can gain entrance into this country for diversity reasons and for retainment of power and comtrol?Was just in his city, where many are cold, self-absorbed...think maybe bad leadership breeds bad attitudes and outcome. Lord, please help the innocent!

Baby Yoda Baby Claw shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoda Baby Claw shirt He has run the city into the ground. He needs investigated to see if he has any ties to America - given he does not seem to do anything for the NYPD and U.S. citizens. Stay woke, Americans.Excuse me Bill, your party is the one that spreads hate and antisemitism. Let's not forget the anti police, also. I was waiting for Trump to be blamed and you didn't disappoint. The B aby Yoda Baby Claw shirt in this country hasn't been this bad since the civil war. America make amends, come together or be weakened and infiltrated from within. A nation divided can not stand!

Well Behaved women rarely make history shirt

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BUY AT: Well Behaved women rarely make history shirt I don’t know how or why this man was elected but he is disliked by most of his constituents. He has no self awareness. He should sit down and be quiet til his term is over and then sink in to oblivion. Until then he should leave everyone alone and quit terrorizing the Well Behaved women rarely make history shirt .We all know, the political atmosphere of the Progressive Left, promotes hate and the immoral policies of the Gov & Mayor.

Never stand between a woman and her Dr Pepper shirt

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BUY AT: Never stand between a woman and her Dr Pepper shirt The same mayor who allowed his police force to be doused with water and be verbally harassed by people in the streets this summer? Then when the Never stand between a woman and her Dr Pepper shirt gets stabbed , the citzens want extra police precense?? But they won't stand up for law enforcement and u blame the violence on Washington?How about due to your lack of enforcement of laws and your lack of support to LEOs, and the perps know it? Quit blaming everyone else for your city's problems. Guiliani didn't have these issues. But, he was/is a real man with a spine for leading. He was willing to crack a whip. Instead, you invite trouble with your wimpy style.

Baby Yoda nurse shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoda nurse shirt Don’t you miss a president who didn’t waste all his time focused on the economy and jobs? We need a president who will stand up and apologize for being American and work tirelessly to make sure men can use the Baby Yoda nurse shirt ! Important things!You don’t even have to look at Trump. Just look at what the left is offering! Do you really want our country to turn socialist which means more & more government controlThis economy isn’t helping everyone! I pay more in income taxes and my health insurance went up! Most Americans have morals and care about more than money! Some of us care about morals, respect and decency!

Roses are red I'm going to bed shirt

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BUY AT: Roses are red I'm going to bed shirt That’s because the Democratic candidates only know how to pander offering all their free stuff🤣 They are totally silent regarding how to sustain & grow our economy. I have seen some crappy candidates over the years but this group of Democrats are beyond the worstTrump will win because he understood the mentality of the group. The Roses are red I'm going to bed shirt found themselves hostages in the hands of Wall Street and big monitary corporations. They found that their fixed values were undermined the very institutions that should protect them. Eg the Supreme Court legalizing same sex marriage and so on so on. Ordinary people [the mob] are outraged and Trump knew exactly how to address them

This shirt transforms to a cum rag at 2AM shirt

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BUY AT: This shirt transforms to a cum rag at 2AM shirt How can anyone think that tax and spend works? The This shirt transforms to a cum rag at 2AM shirt can certainly do both, but with an over $23T debt, government obviously over spends. That's why we need to drain the swamp and place term limits on the Legislative branch. No joke. Everybody that wants to work can work and try to have something. The chokehold on the economy has been broken. Thank God and the maneuvering of the President and the Senate. Not so much the Congress as they have done nothing but hate Trump.Just beware. The Soros clan is capable of manipulating the markets and with a whole year to go, I’m sure there is a whole toolbox still filled with evil to undermine our economy and country. Their game plan is in motion til Election Day!

Sorry ladies i'm already like a brother to someone else shirt

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BUY AT: Sorry ladies i'm already like a brother to someone else shirt To those complaining that there is not a significant rise in income, please take notice of the number of jobs available. Companies are hiring everywhere now! So, if you aren't making enough money, make a change. There is plenty of opportunity out there. Take a class, learn something new and improve your earning ability! None of us will ever get ahead under a socialist government.Governor. You are speaking to the Sorry ladies i'm already like a brother to someone else shirt . The folks you have to convince are so entrenched in hate for a single person that they will absolutely cut off their nose to spite their face. Some of them are actually convinced that Obama had something to do with this.

Baby Yoda Wutang Clan shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoda Wutang Clan shirt The problem is who controls the  Baby Yoda Wutang Clan shirt  and with whom they have their sympathies. Because this is were the trials would take place in the world court. America is viewed as imperialist trying to control the world. The Taliban is the oppressed. What is our national security reason for being there? Strategically we are surrounded by countries that hate us look at the map. I'm sorry but it's a no win situation, time to pull out.With all the corruption being exposed by the Trump administration, push for this! You know the Democrats are getting a kick back keeping our troops engaged!!! They're not millionaires just by sitting in that seat watching golf on their iPad ,for no reason.

Baby Yoga Tacos Bell shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoga Tacos Bell shirt Are you kidding! This Baby Yoga Tacos Bell shirt wants fairness? Is she nuts, does she think they have been fair? Listen, we all knew they wanted him impeached the very day he was elected! They will set a precedent and any elected President can be impeached. Be very careful what you ask for! The simple truth is because he is doing a great job and they are afraid he will be re elected. A gambit that they'll take the Senate & retain the House. Then they'll be passed and the sham would come full circle. Keep an eye on Congressional elections. Really really close. The man has become such the single greatest threat to them that every tactic and stop they passed over before will not be this time at all. They're desperate and they'll act in desperation.

You can delete your post but you cannot delete the screenshot I sent to my best friends shirt

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BUY AT: You can delete your post but you cannot delete the screenshot I sent to my best friends shirt I am left wondering after reading these You can delete your post but you cannot delete the screenshot I sent to my best friends shirt about Justice Ginsburg, what has happened to decency and understanding? Those of you, especially women, should educate yourselves as to her career devoted to women's rights and civil rights as well. If you disagree with her, why the hate? Justice Ginsburg is a woman of great integrity, civility, and conscience. Please, if you disagree with one's actions, try not to be so disrespectful to the person. We are all entitled to our opinions. The Constitution protects our right to free speech. However, the choice of speech reflects the character of the speaker.

Let it snow christmas shirt

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BUY AT: Let it snow christmas shirt Wow, what an astute observation. Duh. We all know he’s not a Lawyer. This article is a waste of time. Was the Tweet really worth commenting on in an interview and print? Not in my opinion but hey, to each his own. I have only one question for those who disagree with the current proceedings. If this was a president of the " Let it snow christmas shirt ", would you still be reproaching those such as Justice Bader-Ginsburg or any who are trying to follow what the Constitution indicates when a high political official's actions are in question? Always keep in mind that whatever outcome or precedent is set now, will be the approach used when it is not your candidate in office.

Baby Yoda He protects he attacks he also take naps shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoda He protects he attacks he also take naps shirt Saying he's not a trained lawyer is not an answer to the Baby Yoda He protects he attacks he also take naps shirt . His tweet asked "Can we go to Supreme Court to stop?” I think it's a fair question. She is a trained lawyer and should have answered the question.What an irrelevant response, my goodness! It is actually very scary that someone capable of such a degree of irrelevancy is a Supreme Court Justice.I have no need of being told by a doddering old half-alert and partisan judge that our President is not a lawyer. We all know this and thank GOD that he isn't; we already have way to many lawyers in government screwing everything up. If the judicial branch has no power in an impeachment process and trial, why do we have three separate but equal branches of government? One would think it natural for the judicial branch to be involved in the system of checks and balances

Yes I am old but I saw the grateful dead on stage shirt

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BUY AT: Yes I am old but I saw the grateful dead on stage shirt The NYPD will find him . And he should be charged as a adult. He acted old enough to kill her, than he should be old enough to do the Yes I am old but I saw the grateful dead on stage shirt . Stop babying these kids. I believe in the death penalty and I believe the kids and parents of those kids should be in jail and should all receive the death penalty. This is as bad as it gets and I feel the example needs to be set. The entire family of all 3 kids involved should be charged!!! I am sick of this and no one doing anything about it. If that was my daughter every family would be convicted and sentenced by me. F these kids and their parents.

Bloody Marys breakfast of champions shirt

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BUY AT: Bloody Marys breakfast of champions shirt What a sad situation from the victim to having such young perpetrators, what is happened to this world? – not to be a big-time Critic, but it sounds like someone in high school wrote this story.  Are you kidding me?? A suspected murderer was not handcuffed to the Bloody Marys breakfast of champions shirt  or another officer? This does not pass the smell test! This sounds a little fishy to me..but then nothing shocks me anymore pertaining to this horrible case, don’t keep talking about the ages of them just punish them severely,

Baby Yoda Dutch Bros coffee shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoda Dutch Bros coffee shirt  If you believe in a higher power, then you also believe that ultimately justice will be carried out. Just be thankful he died in prison. That takes the Baby Yoda Dutch Bros coffee shirt off of us as to what should have been done.Christy, if that happened, then good people would be just as bad as he was. What I do not understand is why he only got life in prison, instead of death. Think how their families felt about that "justice". They must have proven insanity. If a person is insane are they responsible for their actions. The justice system thinks not, but they must get them off of the streets.

I'm so good santa came twice shirt

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BUY AT: I'm so good santa came twice shirt Reinstate the I'm so good santa came twice shirt ... Save the tax payer the housing costs for these lost souls as well as reminding folks that their actions have consequences... a reward of “free” (tax payer funded) room and board for life should not be an option!So this monster has been taken care of , housed , clothed, feed and medical care since 1979?? He should have been hung no later than 1980, personally they should have taken him out back and hung him day he was found guilty. I hope he suffered while he died like his victims. Our justice system is so flawed

Weeds good buds stick together shirt

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BUY AT: Weeds good buds stick together shirt Could have saved the state a good 2.5 million bucks with one bullet forty years ago. This trash should’ve been rotting in the Weeds good buds stick together shirt for the last four decades, not hanging out at camp snoopy. Tool box violence! We need tool box control. The hammer and vice grips made him do it! Sarcasm aside, this dude should have ridden Sparky long ago.How many years did he have it easy in prison, not having to get up and fight traffic to get to work, do laundry, go shopping, cook his own meals? What a joke, the penal system.

Baby Groot hugs Baby Yoda shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Groot hugs Baby Yoda shirt Trump can still lose if he too arrogant like Hilary. Just because this Baby Groot hugs Baby Yoda shirt is not going remove from office it doesn't mean he going win in a landslide. Both side are energize. In order Trump to win reelection, he need campaign just as hard as he did in 2016.Getting sick of people who make up stories and lie, twist words to what they want them to mean the right a 700 page report in 48 hours and think 435 members of will read and comprehend in another 48 hours...what a joke.

Posty Post Malone shirt

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BUY HERE: Posty Post Malone shirt Not sure what to make of their " Posty Post Malone shirt ". Do they feel the charges are false or that what was done was okay? Since most of the charges have been confirmed by those involved, it would seem odd it is the former, and if it is the latter, that is quite a precedent they seem willing to set. This is a joke being played out in our face but the real joke will be played in November 2020 when the democrats are defeated at the polls in unwavering numbers

ADHD it’s not a disability it’s a different ability shirt

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BUY HERE: ADHD it’s not a disability it’s a different ability shirt The Articles of impeachment do not meet ADHD it’s not a disability it’s a different ability shirt standards because on the basis of Executive Previlleges on subpoenas.Besides the President cannot be accused for obstruction of Justice because congress has direct interest in the case.Much more the whistle-blower is not known.These articles face possible technical flaws because of innacurate chargesYet the Dems defended Hillary’s email issues as just poor judgement & carried on their merry way. So many questionable things the Dems have done & they get a pass by their party every time! Even the wife beaters get a pass!

Heifer I will put you in a trunk and help people look for you stop playin' with me shirt

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BUY HERE: Heifer I will put you in a trunk and help people look for you stop playin' with me shirt Cool calm just like my mom with a Heifer I will put you in a trunk and help people look for you stop playin' with me shirt of Valium and cider Palm it's mr. Miss gif with a trick up his sleeve I'll roll up on you like Christopher Reeves can't describe the vibe I get when I fly by six nights and my work gets hit by a quip all s*** looks like I'm starting the rip please hold my beer while I crack the whip.“I will do impartial justice, according to the Constitution and laws: So help me God.” I will arrest anyone for Contempt of Congress, who breaks that oath in the Senate, during the impeachment trial. Because, they either don’t believe in the Constitution it’s laws or God!

Unladen swallon parcel service shirt

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BUY HERE: Unladen swallon parcel service shirt The upper hand corner on top with my Unladen swallon parcel service shirt crossed trying to shove two C.D.'s in the same slot bets as an actual source that can easily solve power supply leakage issues with the software bugs that have accrued the user discovery capabilities and tools that are designed to take advantage of a variety of networks that are at a disadvantage.Impeachment should be bipartisan. This just makes the dems look like sore losers as they continue to try and change a 2016 outcome.