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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2019

Dallas Last call hail mary Prescott Touchdown shirt

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CLICK HERE: Dallas Last call hail mary Prescott Touchdown shirt  Unless a person has a family member addicted to these drugs, people do not understand. The pain and heartache is felt by the entire family. Narcan certainly saves people from dying. Addiction is a disease. Yes, people have choices. Let’s have more available for immediate inpatient drug treatment centers across this country.My daughter overdosed 3 times, thank god for Dallas Last call hail mary Prescott Touchdown shirt saving her life, she stated because of chronic pain issues, now 6 years sober, a wonderful christian, wife and fabulous mother, not only that they found and fixed the cause of her pain

Horse it's the most wonderful time of the year shirt

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CLICK HERE: Horse it's the most wonderful time of the year shirt Horrific..but glad she's alive but I dnt understand how she could not know she'd been shot there had to of been pain blood leakage of cerebral fluid?? Not to mention if she was her hair you'd feel it right?Only way that's possible is if you are so high you don't know what planet you are on. Then one day you sober up abs realize there is a hole in your head.  This same Horse it's the most wonderful time of the year shirt  happened years ago. 90’s I think. Guy complained about headaches, was shot in head. Cops went to investigate and there were hundreds of beer cans in his place. He stayed so drunk he didn’t even know what happened.

Love Thin Blue Line American Flag Sunflower shirt

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CLICK HERE: Love Thin Blue Line American Flag Sunflower shirt  First of all this is a miracle she is alive.secondly she was shot in the Love Thin Blue Line American Flag Sunflower shirt some lose their memory forever.she escaped death waw! I’m sorry, what? This guy shot his girlfriend in the head and tried to hide her at his mothers house for a month, and it’s assault? How bout attempted murder. This guy had previous felony convictions and a weapon by the way, I’ll just leave that there.If he has a record like that then steer clear cause you never know. Its a miracle she wasn't killed! Hope she doesnt have any worsening issues due to the bullet.

Yes I can drive a stick shirt

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  CLICK HERE: Yes I can drive a stick shirt These career politicians are so corrupt been in government for decades making millions doing nothing. Trump 2020 wake up America. Democrats are the Yes I can drive a stick shirt illegal alien party!Richard Link sure selfish people like yourself dont leave profitable businesses to take this crap from self centered ignorant leftist! So have a seat unless you actually have a legitimate thought Might ought to know since 1999 when Bill Clinton signed a Treaty with Ukraine. Both countries agreed to share info, people for testimony, and more. Your, Donkeytards, and Socialists have just hand their BUTTS handed to them! Sorry but your little HOE above is wrong! So are you!

Cat Is this jolly enough shirt

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CLICK HERE: Cat Is this jolly enough shirt   Trump is the biggest threat to the Constitution since Jefferson Davis. People (you) who attach themselves to a cult become diminished.Your post is preposterous. An impeachment trial can only be conducted on the articles of impeachment brought forward to the Senate from the House. Your "whole sordid affair" scenario (whatever that means) is laughable. If you (or he) are an expert on the Presidency, you understand that Trump is the most corrupt President in the history of our nation. By the way, Hiram F. Suddfluffel sounds like a character's name in a Marx brothers movie.yeah ex Democrat from California.

Weed and dogs make me feel less murdery shirt

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CLICK HERE: Weed and dogs make me feel less murdery shirt The Weed and dogs make me feel less murdery shirt and Ukraine have treaty signed by Bill Clinton to root out corruption that mutually affects both countries . The two things mentioned in the phone call fits that criteria! What Biden did is corruption.She has never been charged with a crime. More than 100 FBI agents and investigators spent months looking into her emails, and no charges were ever filed. Speaking of Benghazi, I was hoping that the GOP would open a multi year, multi million dollar investigation into Niger, and Syria. I wanted to see Tillerson and Pompeo testify for 11 hours.

I just can't keep a straight face LGBT shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: I just can't keep a straight face LGBT shirt I do not want anybody in our government who is ok with murdering another I just can't keep a straight face LGBT shirt .The democrats and liberals aren’t loyal to this country...you got it backwards again. Accusing others of exactly what you and your party are guilty of!After the 2016 election (which Trump lost by 2.87 million votes), he impaneled a voter fraud commission, co-chaired by Mike Pence. After finding nothing, the commission disbanded. The 51 (including DC) states had already found no voter fraud. It's just another of Trump's unhinged rantings.you don’t have your facts right at all.

NB Need beer shirt

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CLICK HERE: NB Need beer shirt first we make America great by removing Trump from office. First he lies so that he doesn't have to fight for this country then he cheats this NB Need beer shirt by lying on his taxes. Then cheated on the election and he tried to cheat on this election. Trump has no respect for this country.I may or may not agree with everything President Trump says or does.but I will always support him you.talk about equality and values, but you are an advocate for pro-choice, which means a mother has a right to murder her live baby in her womb.tell me how does equality apply to a baby in the mothers womb,being murdered, that you are advocating for. 

It's ok to be a little different autism shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: It's ok to be a little different autism shirt Now you switch? LOLOLOL! You Trumpers crack me up!there may be only 2 states that offer free college tuition to illegal immigrants. The It's ok to be a little different autism shirt offer in-state tuition. It is not the Federal gov’t paying for it, the individual states do. So you’re only concern should be what the state you’re living in is doing. I guess you’re ok with trump giving huge tax breaks to his swamp friends & and the other 99% get little to nothing. You’re ok with him deregulating air & water quality, allowing friends in the oil & gas industries to drill on protected environmental lands thereby jeopardizing not only water quality but animal habitats for protected species. Do some research.

Post Malone Last call hail mary Prescott Touchdown shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: Post Malone Last call hail mary Prescott Touchdown shirt You see, I am a member of a Bible based faith church. What you do is your choice. Please remember that fact on Judgement Day. Oh, but you must not believe in that Post Malone Last call hail mary Prescott Touchdown shirt . Your choice...there are always consequences for choices and decisions an individual makes, some good, some not so good. Have a good life on earth.Negative, negative....Just say what you're going to do to make America great...He did, and we chose him over Hillary because we'd rather pay for a wall than for an illegal to get free college which is what her & Bern both said they were for,among other social policies.You'd rather pay for a wall? You didn't seem to be saying that 2 years ago. You, and all the other sycophantic Trumpers were screaming that Mexico would pay for it.

A BJ is better than a yank shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: A BJ is better than a yank shirt The fact is that the only communication between President Trump and Putin in the last 3 years after the A BJ is better than a yank shirt is when President Trump has levied 3 sets of sanctions on Russia. You see, President Trump & Putin have not been on speaking terms for over 2 years. You really need to research from credible sources before you respond.so you don’t like Christians. What a shame. You don’t like family values either, huh? Hope you don’t have children. Don’t know any ministers who have “abdicated” as you say, anything.

Never mess with an Ontario girl we know places where no one will find you shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: Never mess with an Ontario girl we know places where no one will find you shirt Looked in the mirror? I've been monitoring Fox comments and the Never mess with an Ontario girl we know places where no one will find you shirt for five years now in Facebook about five times a week, and nobody is hateful (and unaware of current events) like the far-right. I say this as a Republican up to 2012, and an independent since. it’s Hillary that “loves” Putin. Putin stated in the Presser during the Summit that Hillary had accepted $400 million illegally gotten money from Russians for her presidential campaign and that Hillary had never paid any taxes on that $400 million. Surely you didn’t miss that nationally televised message from Putin.

In a world full of witches be Golden shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: In a world full of witches be Golden shirt Just go to a worthy new station. I’m 46 years old and never seen any of these In a world full of witches be Golden shirt . What wrong? You can’t find enough racist White people out there to fit your narrative so you make them up. Nice try. The most racist ones I see today are the Democratic Party. Please do your own research instead of listening to your idol Don Lemon. the dems aren't doing this, Trump is his own worst enemy. After Mueller announced that Trump couldn't be prosecuted until he leaves office. He overstepped again. This time he may be impeached. But this is not the end of the story. Trump will surely get caught doing something else soon. I think he will use an insanity defense.

Evolution of ghosts shirt

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CLICK HERE: Evolution of ghosts shirt Never have I seen so much hatred, jealousy and delusion from anyone like I have the Evolution of ghosts shirt .what has he done?? I'm not a Trump supporter and I can see very clear the man has done nothing wrong and that's from actual facts. All you all have is HEARSAY that is it. I had the entire transcript then the Shiff gets up and reads some made up BS he wrote hiself. And you can't see that!!! Very sad that they have dumbed down alot of Americans. you need to watch or read more of the current events. Using his power to direct military to use his resorts and golfing. What more do you need? I ain’t going to waste my time to argue with you. 

If she is your girlfriend why is she playing with my mullet shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: If she is your girlfriend why is she playing with my mullet shirt When the POTUS tries to protect the If she is your girlfriend why is she playing with my mullet shirt  of this Country. Put America first, and stop the flood of illegal aliens, if found by Judges and the Democrats, what does that tell you?How can one judge block a President who won an honest election.Too many activist judges because of Obama trying to bring our country downHow the heck can the President run this country to protect its people, with a socialist Dems party???????? And liberal judges!!! Do they all want to see the ruination of this country and her people???

The one where it's my birthday shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: The one where it's my birthday shirt Told you, some other fruitcake court is going to overstep it's jurisdiction and issue another The one where it's my birthday shirt. We've got to get control over the house and start impeachment proceedings on these judges and/or stripping jurisdiction and/or abolishing courts.Why is a judge in LA allowed to rule on something he has no jurisdiction on. What should happen is if these judges are so concerned than ship the illegal immigrants to their jurisdiction and let them take care of it

Where I'm fromm the game is Smart and the touchdowns are swift shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: Where I'm fromm the game is Smart and the touchdowns are swift shirt    The Where I'm fromm the game is Smart and the touchdowns are swift shirt of all of this is Congress! If Congress were to come up with REAL IMMIGRATION reform all of these “work around” types of solutions would not be needed.Many federal judges have overstepped their positions by forgetting what they were taught and sworn to uphold while attending law school. Federal judges do NOT have the authority to make thire own laws for the sole purpose of ‘not liking it.’

Y'all realize I'm gonna snap one day right shirt

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CLICK HERE: Y'all realize I'm gonna snap one day right shirt We don't even know where their Y'all realize I'm gonna snap one day right shirt are. But let's dump on Trump because YOU hate him? HahahaOlatunde Morano Waheed do you understand this is happening for a good reason. A lot of the kids being brought over are being brought to be peddled for sex. The adults say they are their kids but they really aren’t, Because they are from other countries it is very difficult to determine the truth. You want to catch & release these poor kids with their abductors now that is cruel & heartless honestly!!The real problem is not the judge, the Flores Agreement, President Trump and all the other things that keep coming up. 

I do pedicures on camel toes shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY;  I do pedicures on camel toes shirt Your brain need check up too, so you guys can be angry because they blocked trump administrations from putting kids in cages , what is wrong with people, why going around with hate with this world we live and die one day.  We do not KNOW who the I do pedicures on camel toes shirt these kids are. They illegally entered our country with no ID. Some are rented out by their parents to criminals, but YOU want us to make MAGIC and match them up with their families as if their families have the kids' best interests in mind.

I'm good in bed I can sleep all day shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: I'm good in bed I can sleep all day shirt What we all wish is that these invaders woud just stay home. I, for one, am sick of financing their lifestyle here, goddamned sick of it!read the I'm good in bed I can sleep all day shirt . They're detaining children WITH their parents at the border pending hearings. Got a problem with that? Give them your address I'm sure they would be happy to send some families for you to house and care for.

The bears Mike Singletary, Dan Hampton, Walter Payton, Jim Mcmahon shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY:  The bears Mike Singletary, Dan Hampton, Walter Payton, Jim Mcmahon shirt Do you have any idea what this country would be like if we followed you libs advice on illegals running free, living off The bears Mike Singletary, Dan Hampton, Walter Payton, Jim Mcmahon shirt ? Wow! Maybe you need to get more no we want the law of the land upheld & the will of the people to be obeyed! What freaking side were you on when Clinton & Obama started this trend.

I've got your back shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: I've got your back shirt Maybe changes need to be made where the whole district of judges takes a vote and the I've got your back shirt opinion wins the day, sort of like how it works in our Supreme Court.for you to even call these “concentration camps” shows you are clueless. So, what do you suggest we do with the kids? Let them free to roam in the streets of the country?

Cranky shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: Cranky shirt Whether this district judge even has jurisdiction or those  Cranky shirt that brought the action even have standing in a matter of this import should be adjudicated so this ridiculous behavior can be stopped.start making calls. These corrupt seat holders only get away with things because the American people just sit on their butts and whimper and cry on Facebook instead of actually taking steps to help change things. They want no borders. Everyone just coming and going as they please. Which wouldn't even be that big a deal if not for drugs, guns, and sex slaves being shipped in. If we changed our laws a bit, that could easily be fixed and wouldn't need a wall. For example, increasing the punishment for having a gun that isn't registered to you, having any amount of drugs, and human trafficking, and or sex slave trade. If you make the punishment stiff enough, that all would end.Something needs to change, it is shameful that 1 judge

I'm not sure where you learned to whisper but I'm guessing inside a helicopter surrounded by chainsaws shirt

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CLICK TO BUY: I'm not sure where you learned to whisper but I'm guessing inside a helicopter surrounded by chainsaws shirt it isn't a crime for another president to have another I'm not sure where you learned to whisper but I'm guessing inside a helicopter surrounded by chainsaws shirt from another company investigate on criminal charges on another person who held a cabinet in a previous election or still holds it cabinet it is his rights and his duties to do investigation on we the people who violate our constitutional rights Biden paid and had his son set up in a foreign country and that's what the president is investigating about because a kid made six figures for being on a board of a foreign country that's a conflict of interest because his father was the VP get my point that is across there so don't try to sweep that under the bush or under the rug that's why I told you to go to Hillsdale College you need to learn our constitution you ne

A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs mouse ears shirt

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CLICK TO BUY:  A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs mouse ears shirt   The issue is not who he asked the Ukraine to look into. Biden could have committed a crime. But the Crime here is the president of the USA is asking the A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs mouse ears shirt of another country to investigate an opponent of an upcoming election. With a threat of holding back support that was already approved by Congress.you can't be serious right? Liberals have been after Trump his entire term thus far and literally NOTHING to show for it.. but now.. Trump wants to bring to light literally actual evidence against a democratic candidate with Reported Ukrainian ties we talk impeachment for doing exactly what you idiot liberals have been doing for 3 years.

I found this humerus shirt

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CLICK TO BUY:  I found this humerus shirt And that's what this is I found this humerus shirt and paying the right bribes to the right people,everyone knows it's illegal thc cartridges with vitamin e oil mixed in that's made people sick,I'm beginning to wonder if it was not the tabacco companys who introduced them illegal cartrages into the black market to cause all this.Why? Juuls aren't killing anyone. As an ex smoker, I don't think that juul is for smokers, it's not strong enough, but it doesn't seem marketed towards kids. What has juul done wrong? It is better than cigarettes. That's just the truth. If only because you don't stink, and can breathe better. Of course it's not healthy in general, but this is so ridiculous. Black market THC cartridges are what's killing people. Very few people... just like the measles was going to kill us all a few months ago?