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His story was an inspiration. It took a great deal of courage to stand up against injustice. Especially when even family and friends were turning their backs to him. Thank you, Mr. Korematsu.We will someday pay for incarcerating NEiSI and Mexicans and American citizens who are the wrong I love gardening from my head tomatoes shirt or culture or class or religion. The financial cost can't even compare to the moral cost.Why were only Japanese Americans targeted? Why not German Americans or any of the other warring European races interred?
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So let me get this straight, we are in the middle of the biggest I love gardening from my head tomatoes shirt this country has ever seen and so far all you have done is hide. I have called the NJ office and that is what it says. "Qe are closed due to the virus" so you wont fight for my civil rights that the government stole from me, but you will come out of hiding to bash the president because him and Twitter are in a tiff? Are you freaking kidding me?
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