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not settling for anyone dusty ass son shirt

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BUY AT: Not settling for anyone dusty ass son shirt They need to have a man on the team. The new supreme court justices don't respect women and won't listen to them. It'll be up to Roberts to be the not settling for anyone dusty ass son shirt . Sorry for the cynicism. I hope I'm wrong.The only mammal on earth that goes inside itself to chop up it's miracle are humans. You sick people stand against all form of natural progression and development. You all make me so sick!Strongest and wisest women I have ever met are great grandmothers who raise leaders of the next generation. None of you hold a candle of the dignity and respect of those old gals. All your great grandmothers would spin in their graves if they could see what you are doing.

Criminal minds 15th anniversary 2005 2020 shirt

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BUY AT: Criminal minds 15th anniversary 2005 2020 shirt Thank you ladies for standing up for our basic , constitutionaly protected rights to control our own bodies! God bless you women warriors. Behind you all the way!Thank you and I'll pray for your success. Aside from any questions on right & wrong, women have always been put in situations where they needed to abort. Without Criminal minds 15th anniversary 2005 2020 shirt , the result has often been unwanted sterility. So when they would be in a position to have children, they couldn't. Others lost there lives by botched attempts. Rich women go on vacation & no one knows. Time to again acknowledge, all should have the right to a safe abortion. Then women can go forward just the fathers have. Best wishes to continue your efforts.

Coronavirus 2020 world tour shirt

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BUY AT: Coronavirus 2020 world tour shirt This story makes me sick to my stomach. This is the Coronavirus 2020 world tour shirt in our legal system...a wrongful conviction. I hope this man is able to salvage what is left of his life and he is able to live it to the fullest. He should have gotten even more money. Praying he can move on and be happy.Definitely underpaid but unfortunately taxpayers are on the hook for a dirty cops actions. Everyone gets shafted. The innocent man paid the highest price but everyone except those responsible got the shaft.

Jokers friends shirt

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BUY AT: Jokers friends shirt I don’t know if I can call this tragic or fortunate. Twenty three years is a lot of time to make up. I just hope he budgets his award wisely. Uncle SAM isn’t going to leave him much but hey there’s probably no better prize than freedom.So thankful he has been exonerated, but I don't understand why he would have to reimburse the state the money he was awarded if he wins the Fed lawsuit?1.5? It needs to be 150 million. If the taxpayers don’t feel the Jokers friends shirt then they’ll keep ignoring government oppression. Pay that man for the violation of his civil rights, for stealing nearly half a lifetime, ruining his future and slandering his name. Yeah, they need to pay that man till everyone in that jurisdiction feels some of his pain.

Baby Yoda tiny pocket shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoda tiny pocket shirt He should have gotten more!! 1.5 million is nothing, giving up your freedom for 23 years!! Make them pay for putting innocent people in prison!! Maybe they will start doing their job, instead of railroading innocent people. This is sickening that this man gave them 23 years of his life!!That is nowhere near worth the  Baby Yoda tiny pocket shirt that poor man lost, but glad he was compensated something. Hoping he succeeds at future endeavors with his now free life.That’s not nearly enough. I hope this man goes to law school. Lord knows he is going to motivated to prevent this from happening to anyone else.

Dwarfs St Patrick's day and Wine shirt

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BUY AT: Dwarfs St Patrick's day and Wine shirt They should investigate the Dwarfs St Patrick's day and Wine shirt and the detectives who put him behind bars as well! That’s to show you how corrupted the justice systems really are! How about hold those people accountable as well! I also spent 23 years in prison, but that was by choice... I was a corrections officer - Though most inmates who go to prison return to prison, no innocent person should ever have to spend a minute behind bars - Better to mistakenly set a guilty man free... than to mistakenly imprison the innocent... This man deserves every dime!!!

Crip just loc it shirt

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BUY AT: Crip just loc it shirt I’m glad he’s free now, but 23 years in prison doesn’t equal $1.5 million dollars. He deserves a lot more, for all the Crip just loc it shirt  and memories lost. I wish him the very best. I’m so sorry to him and his family.1.5 million for 23 years. That is total crao it should have been alot more. He went a large portion of his life in prison and was innocent. Should have been 1.5million per year tax free. That breaks down to like 65k per year. I hope he get a huge settlement in the other lawsuit.Ok this doesn’t make sense: “If McIntyre prevails in his separate civil lawsuit against the Unified Government & the others involved in his unjust prosecution, he would have to repay Kansas for the money he was awarded under the wrongful compensation statute, his attorney noted.” Why??? He deserves to be compensated by everyone who was a part of the wrongful conviction. And if the allegations of inappropriate behavior prove true then those individuals

Hugsy shirt

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BUY AT: Hugsy shirt It is so so important that things remain broken for the Hugsy  shirt and Socialist Wannabes because this is how they get unimaginably rich... When things are broken special programs are created and these crooked leaders invest their own funds into a rigged system because your money a tax dollars get pumped into their investment purposes... If they can’t continue fleecing America earmarking monies who can get filthy rich anymore... Who cares about the crime and common citizens anyways, those fools don’t even know what real wealth and power are... Open your eyes America!

I'm not a person you should put on speaker phone shirt

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BUY AT: I'm not a person you should put on speaker phone shirt Of course they did! As a Mass. voter, I welcome Customs and Border Protection to my State! The liberal, radical Left, has abandoned their I'm not a person you should put on speaker phone shirt in my State. I can only hope the blue collar Democrats will wake up and realize that the Democrat politicians do NOT represent US citizens and "legal" immigrants. Radical Leftist politicians espouse their policies as a means of building a new voter base and holding onto power.It is not hard to figure out who these two morons represent and it is not the citizens of Massachusetts. And yet people keep voting for these idiots.

Betty White stay golden America shirt

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BUY AT: Betty White stay golden America shirt Ohhh well she demanded it so i guess they should obey, i mean they are democrats and they control how you’re supposed to act. She calls this dangerous yet I haven’t seen her complain about NYC new bail law. Democrats need to be held accountable themselves for aiding and abetting, interfering with federal laws. They are not above the Betty White stay golden America shirt !Please enlighten us on which laws you would like to ignore and which laws you want to follow. Also include how many laws "we the people" can ignore. Make sure you treat all of us equally now, even those of us with high cheek bones!!!

Sticky Webb, Skeeter, Fillmore Friends shirt

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BUY AT: Sticky Webb, Skeeter, Fillmore Friends shirt Cut funding to these sanctuary cities and states. Hold individuals accountable for the harm their sanctuaries cause. Mayors and governors are not above the Sticky Webb, Skeeter, Fillmore Friends shirt nor free from civil responsibilities. We need to let one have it, make an example, take the gloves off and bust them in the mouth. See how much they favor protecting criminals once their freedom and finances are on the line.

Blood stains are red ultraviolet lights are blue I watch enough murder show They'll never find you shirt

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BUY AT: Blood stains are red ultraviolet lights are blue I watch enough murder show They'll never find you shirt My heart went out to her and her family. Even the President felt compassion for her. We need to back the Blood stains are red ultraviolet lights are blue I watch enough murder show They'll never find you shirt get rid of all the illegals in the Sanctuary cities. Don't understand why these cities are doing this. Must be for MONEY. So sad, not only for her and her family, but think of the horror her grandmother endured after living 92 years. Sanctuary cities only help politicians, we need to unit and end them, and hold those law makers accountable that allow for their existence.

I'm a jeep and coffee kind of girl shirt

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BUY AT:  I'm a jeep and coffee kind of girl shirt How is the sanctuary law being upheld, yet here in Virginia, the governor is saying the 2nd Amendment sanctuary law is not allowed?? To many people in government and to much government in our (the people’s) business! Shrink the Blood stains are red ultraviolet lights are blue I watch enough murder show They'll never find you shirt !And what about the Good legal immigrants who are banned to enter US just because they are from specific countries on the trump list? What about their relatives who can’t meet them?Every family that has lost a loved one because of the sanctuary laws, should sue for wrongful death, because those municipalities could have prevented those crimes.

The only stery about it ever decided he cat is why become domestic animals shirt

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BUY AT: The only stery about it ever decided he cat is why become domestic animals shirt Maybe public caning would fix this The only stery about it ever decided he cat is why become domestic animals shirt . Remember back in the early 90s that American kid got caught spray painting cars in Thailand??? His pushimnet was like 12 strokes of a cane across his bare backside. It was a big to do, because his father was a diplomat.Defacing a War Memorial of people that gave their lives for people like you to be able to exercise freedom you want to deprive from others. Yeah that makes sense. Evil is among us.Always the scammers, jobless, living of stamps and getting supported for kids.. Unemployed getting funds.. Job hoppers. The useless, get all the judges that hear cases of people getting money from back from tax, by being not honest. To just pass it on to someone that can stop it because it's fraud.

women are told that we catch more flies with honey but I can catch plenty with your hollowed out carcass so this can go either way shirt

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BUY AT: Women are told that we catch more flies with honey but I can catch plenty with your hollowed out carcass so this can go either way shirt I was thinking the same thing. The women are told that we catch more flies with honey but I can catch plenty with your hollowed out carcass so this can go either way shirt requires just a bare majority for impeachment. If there's one area of the Constitution that's wrong, that would be it. As we have just seen, the House can impeach a president just because they don't like him. I don't consider not liking the president an impeachable cause. The Senate does require a 2/3 majority for removal, but the house needs the same. 2/3 would make impeachment more legitimate. And I don't think "abuse of power" should be considered an impeachable offense. It's too vague and because of that, could easily be interpreted to mean policy disagreements, which I don't consider an impeachable offense.

Currently in life I am living somewhere in-between Knuck if you Buck and Praise is What I do shirt

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BUY AT: Currently in life I am living somewhere in-between Knuck if you Buck and Praise is What I do shirt it should have fixed rules on honesty, transparency, and rights of the Currently in life I am living somewhere in-between Knuck if you Buck and Praise is What I do shirt. Spelled out clear, no VOTING to change it. it's too big of an issue to have it used maliciously. That's what happened. Threats of Impeach, without basis, in media, or otherwise, should bring censure for the ones who offer such threats. It needs to be done so we never have to be tortured by it again.

Smoke Skooma Worship Daedra shirt

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BUY AT: Smoke Skooma Worship Daedra shirt It clearly needs to be a process that cannot be rigged like this last impeachment. Even in Clinton’s they had a long process calling witness from both sides in the house. We don’t need Russian interference we have Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, the Smoke Skooma Worship Daedra shirt , Maxine Waters and many more who will do anything if it justifies the means. No, no, no fair hearing or trail. They are like the old time railroaders who innocent people to jail or hung them.

Baby Yoda Vacay mode shirt

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BUY AT: Baby Yoda Vacay mode shirt He will be set free because of democrats policy + new york is a sanctuary state. Thank u democrats what else do democrats have to do for people not to vote for them. There are No suitable words for such a filthy cretton such as yourself. This is one of the Baby Yoda Vacay mode shirt I have knowledge of.He needs the death penalty... no question about it. And the governor of NY needs to be removed from office and brought up on charges on letting a dangerous offender out of jail (through his ridiculous laws), and ultimately enabling this heinous crime to take place.

Got the car seats in the back passing out some snacks hair up in a bun got the black leggings to match can’t nobody tell me nothin shirt

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BUY AT: Got the car seats in the back passing out some snacks hair up in a bun got the black leggings to match can’t nobody tell me nothin shirt Of course he would!! Every criminal pleads not guilty. 😢😢. I have only seen a small handful of criminals that have actually taken responsibility for their own actions. He should be worried about jail. Once word gets back to the Got the car seats in the back passing out some snacks hair up in a bun got the black leggings to match can’t nobody tell me nothin shirt for why he's in. He's going to be singing another time!! Most criminals hate rapists.of course he did and his defense will be he was a poor, abused, malnourished, misunderstood child who just couldn't help himself - and his mother fed him koolaid instead of milk

hola qué le damos a mama verguenza shirt

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BUY AT: Hola qué le damos a mama verguenza shirt Maybe she’s right! She once worked in the hola qué le damos a mama verguenza shirt  senate of Georgia. After that she lost the fight to become governor of Georgia. Ya maybe she’s right. The next step if you fail at becoming governor is to run for President! What a LOSER! Just what we’ll need is another failed lawyer in Washington! I’m just sayin. I believe Kim Kardashian had a hand in her pardon. From what I have read, President Trump wouldn’t have known anything about Alice if it weren’t for KKW and her lawyers who took a special interest in the case and brought it to POTUS attention via Jared K and Ivanka.

I wet my plants shirt

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BUY AT: I wet my plants shirt Firearms are not the I wet my plants shirt and thank goodness we have the strict laws about such things in our country. He only served half his prison sentence, he should still be in there, but he wanted to die as a martyr so he got his wish. He has dead eyes no feeling.A terrorist will always be a terrorist once radicalized and initiated into it. State pardon, rehabilitation, repentance, empowerment or de-radicalization means nothing to a twisted mind. I hope Nigeria and other African nations who are willfully in a deep romance with terrorists and terrorism will learn from this truth. The world is far safer without people who have vowed to die by killing themselves and others.

Kobe Bryant thank you for the memories shirt

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BUY AT: Kobe Bryant thank you for the memories shirt I thought that this innocent, young boy (an assured paragon of virtue n holiness) has been mis-identified due to his political zealotry. Just because he wants to murder all "Westerners and caucasians" is merely a misunderstanding .20 years old. Sentenced to three years prison in 2018. What was he doing on the Kobe Bryant thank you for the memories shirt in 2020. Thank you, police, for doing what the courts obviously could not.If they had the right to defend themselves with a firearm in England this would not have escalated. What a shame. We will never give up that right in America.

Kobe Bryant thank you for the memories the mamba the myth the legend shirt

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BUY AT: Kobe Bryant thank you for the memories the mamba the myth the legend shirt   Discount stores will be filled with Kobe Bryant thank you for the memories the mamba the myth the legend shirt . For the low low price of 1.50. Dont believe me go look. Bargain Hunt sells fat barbies all day long. No one wants them but the woke parents who force their sons to play with to try to g show doctors they need to shove hormone blockers down his throat.Don’t forget to include a macho-man-randy-savage transgender Barbie for all the little boy-girls who want to be included. You can just convert the old WWF toys that didn’t sell

In a world full of Kaepernicks be a Mahomes shirt

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BUY AT: In a world full of Kaepernicks be a Mahomes shirt I loved to brush my Barbies and cut their In a world full of Kaepernicks be a Mahomes shirt . I guess some kids will miss that pleasure. It looks like conform dolls for kids that will identify with those babies. rather than just general toys. And remember who are playing kids and who those your look like ADULTS! SO not buying it the psychological input.I can't decide if that doll in the tie dye shirt is a man wanting to look like a woman but doesn't or a really ugly woman or what. I probably would have thrown that one away when I was 6 years old playing with Barbies. Hey, don't judge a 6 year old. 

And into the book store I go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt

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BUY AT: And into the book store I go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt This is really awesome. Kids should see beauty in themselves and others. Kids are so amazing and hopefully they get to stay that And into the book store I go to lose my mind and find my soul shirt . Things like this, I think help.We are living in an age of hilarity. These days will be looked back on with a great sense of comedy and or embarrassment.Girls want to play pretend... not try to actually represent themselves. If I was going to select a Barbie I would pick the hot leggy Blonde. Not the short chubby middle-aged mom one that I actually am. You're supposed to pretend UP. Barbie is a fantasy. Your allowe to be a supermodel in your imagination! That's the point of imagination. You pretend to be something your not.