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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2019

Snoopy You came to say hello I whispered I miss you as you flew away shirt

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CLICK HERE: Snoopy You came to say hello I whispered I miss you as you flew away shirt  in her fantasies she thinks she is a top-tier Presidential candidate. Just like in her fantasies She also thinks she’s not a Ho. IDK, sleeping your way up the Snoopy You came to say hello I whispered I miss you as you flew away shirt pretty much confirms you are. I know let’s ask Willie and work our way up the long list. Just SayinAfter she blamed her woes on racism, and forgot her flawed policy’s. She doesn’t poll well within any racial classification, her issues are in her politics.

The people tight end George Kittle shirt

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CLICK HERE: The people tight end George Kittle shirt Of course she is still in The people tight end George Kittle shirt , as long as any donations are coming in she will stay in. It's when it costs her more than she is receiving that she will drop out.If she would work half as hard at what she was elected to do as she does campaigning she might be respected a little more.You would think she would be representing her california constituents and getting more help fighting fires. Then again, she really has not done anything in congress

Trump Party like a patriot shirt

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CLICK HERE: Trump Party like a patriot shirt There's a losing formula! I'll compete to be one of the Trump Party like a patriot shirt . She wants a participation medal. She knows she's not going to get the top prize. Good for her! I’m so glad she feels that way! But I hate to tell her this but she is the only one that considers her top- shelf anything! She should ask us here in a California! Oh that’s right she will not ask us here in California because she knows how much we can not stand her!

Dear teacher I talk to everyone so moving my seat wont help shirt

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CLICK HERE: Dear teacher I talk to everyone so moving my seat wont help shirt I agree every single human being has these Dear teacher I talk to everyone so moving my seat wont help shirt , but I am sorry, only in America are its "Citizens" protected by LAW, from infringement on these rights. If they wish to have the same protections against the government they should have chose the proper way to become an American citizen like so many others do every year. OK now we now know how to avoid arrest to live here illegally. Have you thought about relaying the message how they could go about entering and staying and becoming a citizen the proper way. Is the ACLU in business to teach people to escape the laws or to side swipe them? ACLU, lets start teaching honest, hardworking, natural born Americans how to get their rights. I'm sure you could get as much publicity helping honest people as illegal immigrants. You think it's easy for the American citizens having to work

Minnie Unbreakable epilepsy awareness shirt

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CLICK HERE: Minnie Unbreakable epilepsy awareness shirt Republicans, as a rule, have showcased an utter lack of regard for facts, ethics and even law. Letting them vote is a clear and present danger to American democracy and to the Minnie Unbreakable epilepsy awareness shirt . Themselves included. In short, they're too incompetent to vote.Yes and if a judge has ordered you to leave the country you have an obligation to obey the law and leave. If not you will have the right to be arrested and forcibly deported. It's nice that the ACLU works to preserve our rights but should pay as much heed to preserving our rule of law.

Should've walked me shirt

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CLICK HERE: Should've walked me shirt Exactly who are you referring to as “We”? We as in citizens?Agreed! Citizens are entitled to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...happiness is not having to pay for illegal’s educate, healthcare and all the other fiscal impacts of them being her!!!! You don’t walk into our country and suddenly have more rights than the citizens who live here legitimately. Assisting those who have processed through the Should've walked me shirt and have been required to leave but don’t...are now criminally residing in our country. Any one who supports them in avoiding apprehension in my mind is committing a criminal act and obstructing justice at a minimum.

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it shirt

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CLICK HERE: Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it shirt Stop hand-wringing. Refer Trump and Pence to the World Court for crimes against humanity. Separation at borders violates International Law. When voter fraud by illegal aliens does occur, and is proven, the ACLU is silent. The Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it shirt has a left wing, open borders agenda. To say they represent freedoms and civil rights for all Americans is a joke. They pick and choose.The key question is ...are you a legal citizen? If not, your rights are....not much...you should find out how to become a legal citizen of this country.

If your pro blackness is homophobic transphobic misogynist and or sexist shirt

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CLICK HERE: If your pro blackness is homophobic transphobic misogynist and or sexist shirt These people are here because where they travelled from is unlivable. If you think this is all going to end, you are wrong. There will be more and more refugees who are displaced by rising ocean waters, war, famine due to drought and floods and the U.S. intervening in governments for its own goals. You would do the same if you or your family's life was in danger, you can't tread water indefinitely, your neighborhood was taken over by drug gangs and the National Guard, or in our case, we couldn't get any bars on our latest cell phones. Dig a little deeper and find out how to make the  If your pro blackness is homophobic transphobic misogynist and or sexist shirt

Houston Astros Shut the buck up shirt

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CLICK HERE: Houston Astros Shut the buck up shirt  like I said I wish and demand that the rainbow would not be oriented afflicted with Houston Astros Shut the buck up shirt whatever they are. I'm a straight person I'm sick and tired of the rainbow being used for their purposes. This is discriminating against me. Please have this removed immediately please do your job ACLU thank you ICE agents are in Immokalee. As we always told our union members: If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any!

I followed my heart and it led me to the airport shirt

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CLICK HERE: I followed my heart and it led me to the airport shirt   can you read? That is absolutely false. The “ I followed my heart and it led me to the airport shirt ” which by the way is just a figure of speech, was referring to investigating the interference in the 2016 election. Don’t we all want to know about that? Zelinsky already said the call was no big deal and he was never pressured. You are as bad as the leftist media.

6 inches is enough shirt

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CLICK HERE: 6 inches is enough shirt Hid favor was to look into crowdstrike not the   6 inches is enough shirt ! Furthermore the president of Ukraine has publicly announced that no quid pro quo happened. Paste the link that shows trump mention investigating joe Biden , I’ll wait. Forever bc it doesn’t exist.My bet is that it's Jared Kushner that wrote that NYT editorial and is the author behind the new anonymous book. He cant just turn against donald daddy in law, not until he divorces Ivanka. Plus kushner lacks the backbone to reveal himself as the author until trump is impeached and kushner can say he "tried" to keep him in line. Think about it, someone in trumps inner circle has been feeding the media information(not mention literally recording trump). My bet is Kushner is the leaker

Gerbera daisy mickey shirt

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CLICK HERE: Gerbera daisy Mickey shirt  Trump compromised Our National Security as well As Ukraine's ...Why do you believe it is OK to excuse this Presidents violations and law breaking to benefit himself ? And do you really want all subsequent Presidents to behave as Trump is ? And employ family members who use their positions to enrich themselves also ?Republicans aren’t interested in the   Gerbera daisy mickey shirt , they much prefer a doctored narrative that tells them everything that they want to hear. Not hearing much talk about Joe Biden and Burisma anymore lolololol, nothingburger sammich!

Pivot friends shirt

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CLICK HERE: Pivot friends shirt when they’re so insistent on impeachment, I guess the words that were on paper doesn’t reveal what was heard from his voice on the Pivot friends shirt . That is the intelligence level of democrats. a summary of what was said was released. Even that showed a favor being asked by the president to investigate Biden. Right after Zelensky talks about buying Javelin missiles. After Trump reminds Zelensky that the US helps Ukraine but that help isn’t reciprocal. I mean it’s pretty clear. I can only imagine what was actually said and the context during the call.

Vintage nurse knows more than she says and notices more than you realize shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: Vintage nurse knows more than she says and notices more than you realize shirt The transcript of the call was released, so this is irrelevant. Just an opinion, so no evidence as usual. The democrats are screwed and they know it. They’ve back themselves into a corner. The senate will never let the Vintage nurse knows more than she says and notices more than you realize shirt continue once it hits. They have at least 50 senators that have already told Pelosi and Schiff that, but the democrats continue to spend money on something they know they can not win.

Snoopy Happy thanksgiving shirt

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CLICK HERE: Snoopy Happy thanksgiving shirt  This literally reminds me of a dream I had like maybe 6 years ago. No matter what I think about California and their Snoopy Happy thanksgiving shirt logic this is still really sad because this is people and their lives being affected. Please people repent and chose Christ instead of this world. This world and its ways is NOT worth it! I am praying for California and for those who still haven’t chosen repentance and the Lord.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right shirt

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CLICK HERE: Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right shirt Happy for him. Unless you have walked a mile in someone's shoes that has received a diagnosis of cancer and are a part of the Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right shirt you will never understand.What's with you cold blooded jerks? I'm happy for him. My aunt passed from colorectal cancer, it's no joke! I hope the man spends every dime on himself! He deserves it. I’ve begun to comment on every unsolicited add that pops on fb with “Trump 2020!” If they don’t want to see my add, then they should stop forcing me to see theirs!

Grinch squad shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: Grinch squad shirt what are you even trying to say? What is revange? I had to force my phone to be stupid enough to misspell that word. Next you get revenge. Not giving. Wow just wow. Ah I see. Just some foreigner. Move along foreign troll. For heavens sake! Use some common sense, would you really just prefer to let the Grinch squad shirt and Syrians shoot down our helicopters? There was the possibility of loss of life for our military if they were not informed.

don't downgrade your dream to match your reality upgrade your belief to match your vision shirt

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CLICK HERE: D on't downgrade your dream to match your reality upgrade your belief to match your vision shirt The woman and her Democrat entourage had just returned from JORDAN AND AFGHANISTAN and tried to stab this President in the back!! The President IS the Commander of the Armed Forces not the HOUSE!! The d on't downgrade your dream to match your reality upgrade your belief to match your vision shirt  of our Armed Forces were making a lot of the decisions for this raid!! Anything but "CHILDISH." I would say. SMART!! Trump/Pence 2020.you need and education, at very least you need to understand what went on. They had to fly through those countries airspace idiot!!! He had to tell them or they’d be trying to shoot our planes down!! The democrats haven’t worked with him on one single issue. They would have come out and tried to block this or told the media possibly even the target himself to go against Trump. That would have possibly gotten our soldiers killed.

Reading Japanese is really easy you just need to turn your head sideways shirt

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CLICK HERE TO BUY: Reading Japanese is really easy you just need to turn your head sideways shirt  Interesting how hypocritical this statement is. The Democratic Party and more specifically, Congress has their own Reading Japanese is really easy you just need to turn your head sideways shirt , selfish, and unprofessional behavior to blame for this. They have done nothing but try to destroy him since day one. And have already shown they are lawless, reckless and don’t care about the best interest of this country and it’s people. So here we are with a broken system that cannot work together. Pelosi and Schiff need to go so we can find a way to recover from the damage they have caused. And trust is earned lady. You get what you give.

Christmas begins with Christ shirt

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CLICK HERE: Christmas begins with Christ shirt Go back to Germany. Your country welcomes those monsters in, is that why you are here? Who the coward now. If you wasn't a coward you would be back taking your country back . I'm a Proud Service Member and I watched the Christmas begins with Christ shirt ..President Trump made a great decision by not telling Pelosi and I must say with Pride, He's My President.. He showed her and her party the same respect that they've shown him since the beginning of his term as President. They've shown themselves as not trustworthy. This is not the same party as five years ago. He made a good call in order to keep our troops as safe as possible.

Who doh hear does feel mommy 247 shirt

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CLICK HERE: Who doh hear does feel mommy 247 shirt  to our great and smart president. Kudos to our great and brave soldiers. NEVER trust Nervous Pelosi! She and the do nothing Dems hate our President and are jealous of his many great achievements. All that matters to them is that our great President gets impeached! Sick! yes I agree 100% with you. She , the dems, never Trumper rinos don’t want the Who doh hear does feel mommy 247 shirt voters to realize that we don’t need career politicians to run this country . A tough America loving business man is doing a great job. We need term limits !! If a president has term limits then the congress and senate do too. They get too comfortable and greedy

Grinch Make christmas great again shirt

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CLICK HERE: Grinch Make christmas great again shirt Have you read any history of Nazi Germany? Does this resonate with that history? Is this really what most Americans want? Why does this group have such power? Who will remove that power? Under Mr Trump it seems all Law Enforcement are above the law the military can commit war crimes with no consequences. Our Grinch Make christmas great again shirt now under Trump are paid mercenaries and according to him the world's best "killing machines"

Unbreakable fibromyalgia awareness shirt

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CLICK HERE: Unbreakable fibromyalgia awareness shirt This should be no surprise to anyone. The same US Marshals have holding facilities for the federal prisons, and inmates are beaten bloody in their cells, drugs run rampant and the correctional officers don't do a damn thing to stop it. These are FOR PROFIT PRIVATE HOLDING FACILITIES so as long as they are packed, they are taking in billions of dollars to house them. Make no mistake, it's all about the  Unbreakable fibromyalgia awareness shirt   We need better systems for review and enforcement. These systems should be run by citizen committees that are chosen every several months the same way Grand Juries are chosen, by random selection of local residents.

Trust me on this you can’t fix stupid but you can watch that shit all day long at work shirt

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CLICK HERE: Trust me on this you can’t fix stupid but you can watch that shit all day long at work shirt She finds 'sudden prominence dehumanizing'. Well, just hold onto that seat, that Congressional salary & those benefits a bit longer Honey.. your opponent will GLADLY relieve you of them and DO SOMETHING for the constituents of your district!!The funny thing is as she's done the same Trust me on this you can’t fix stupid but you can watch that shit all day long at work shirt . See they don't like it when it's done to them but it's okay for them to do it to other people. The dems are trying to impeach the President for trying to expose a crime and then elect the person who committed the crime!! You can't make this stuff up!!First of all stop reporting like the anti-Trump stations! Republican congressmen did not "storm" into the hearing. You have the footage of the members calmly walking into the hearing.

I’m not the sweet girl next door I’m the crazy heifer down the street shirt

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CLICK HERE: I’m not the sweet girl next door I’m the crazy heifer down the street shirt One day this little girl is going to wake up out her little fantasy land and realize she is dumber than a box of rocks!!!! Clueless doesnt even cover her. The I’m not the sweet girl next door I’m the crazy heifer down the street shirt that the Republicans had to storm the secret room makes you wonder the Democrats know this is wrong holding a impeachment inquiry and secret this is out of the norm and it's not going to stand with the American people