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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

They whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm she whispered back I am the storm autism mom shirt

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BUY AT: They whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm she whispered back I am the storm autism mom shirt  Those in the South were originally organized to track down and capture escaped slaves. Getting bits and pieces of info online does not make one educated. Spending years in college and grad school, plus 30 years of experience outside academia definitely trumps Google. Breaking: A child has been shot in East Atlanta.  Another 8 year old is at Grady with a GSW to the chest and a 9 year old with multiple shots to his legs. At least 3 other victims have been shot. well if cities allow this like Minneapolis they don't get federal funds to fix the They whispered to her you cannot withstand the storm she whispered back I am the storm autism mom shirt . The citizens who condone it can pay to fix it. Sounds just like your entire government.  I mean destroying whole neighborhood, lives, collateral damage.  Think Iraq, Viet Nam, Syria, etc.And you're demonising the people

I raise tiny dinosaurs chicken shirt

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BUY AT: I raise tiny dinosaurs chicken shirt You don't show any facts. you don't have any logical arguments. You don't read. The only I raise tiny dinosaurs chicken shirt you do show is your lack of information and intelligence I'm really tire of people saying it's ok to steal. If they came to your house and stole things you would be crying to the police and complaining to us that the police didn't protect you  you need to read your histiry ! The first publicly funded, organized police force with officers on duty full-time was created in Boston in 1838. Boston was a large shipping commercial center, and businesses had been hiring people to protect their property and safeguard the transport of goods from the port of Boston to other places I don't want them to arrest people based on color. I raise tiny dinosaurs chicken shirt, hoodie   I want them to arrest "Humans" that Burn, loot & kill. I have the I raise tiny dinosaurs chick

I am his voice he is my heart shirt

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BUY AT: I am his voice he is my heart shirt Trump and Barr don’t pay much attention to the constitution or haven’t you noticed? Trumps followers don’t care about the constitution either.Y’all keep saying “Trump can’t do X or Y because tHe I am his voice he is my heart shirt !!” Since when has that rotting sack of fiery garbage EVER given a rat’s ass about what the constitution says he can’t do? That fool will do exactly what he wants and the Repubs will back him up. Constitutional or not. We really are in deep, dangerous shit.Guess we'll see.  So don’t give them a platform about it. It will not be a peaceful transition of power. Deal with that.It doesn't matter what this clown thinks about Trump's ability to move the election date.  I am his voice he is my heart shirt, hoodie  Asking him this cedes way too much of the I am his voice he is my heart shirt and inappropriately expands the sphere of reasonable opinion.Trump will have his secret police bomb fed buildings

Pew Pew madafakas Pug shirt

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BUY AT: Pew Pew madafakas Pug shirt If they mess with the election I think things are going to get nasty.  But they won't be able to bring trump out in public again.The only thing that will save America, and check trump; is Americans voting in person Nov 3rd!Barr knows the Pew Pew madafakas Pug shirt , but also knows if he says what Trump doesn't want to hear Trump will blame him, instead of the ConstitutionEither that, or he's busy working on some BS legal theory to give Trump cover to move the election.....but God knows he keeps trying The only thing that saved this country from full on authoritarianism is the Dems winning the house in 2018.They wouldn't let me move the election, they used mail in ballots, Putin wasn't as much help, it was rigged. Pew Pew madafakas Pug shirt, hoodie  Yah, right, like him and his cronies did not break any other Pew Pew madafakas Pug shirt . Are you kidding? They will do what they please and no one will stoo them. Cowards!H

Si ya saben como me pongo ipa que me invitan shirt

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BUY AT: Si ya saben como me pongo ipa que me invitan shirt Maxanne Groven  It will not work. The Si ya saben como me pongo ipa que me invitan shirt is VERY clear about this. On January 20th at 12pm Trump’s presidency ends whether he likes it or not. This is per the constitution and if there is no elected President at that time then the Speaker of the House would be put into that position until one is elected.The military isn't backing his overreach in the states so I guarantee they'll happily escort him from the White House into prison if he tries that. It's called an insurrection and the military is 100% constitution focused. Si ya saben como me pongo ipa que me invitan shirt, hoodie   The Constitution is very clear about a lot of things, but here we are.  The Si ya saben como me pongo ipa que me invitan shirt are stacked stacked in their favor.  What electorate that  hasn’t been gerrymandered to a point of non-recognition, can be placed under curfew or experience

Trump or we're fucked 2020 shirt

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BUY AT: Trump or we're fucked 2020 shirt How could any one believe one person could change it?He can, and will, and does already, tamper with election day because no body will stop him.Congress attempted a coup on a duly elected president of the Trump or we're fucked 2020 shirt , anything is possible with those people. WwDude really, u have terrorists running the streets of most democratic run areas of our nation and ur worried about an election that you already lost? Typical...The Constitution? Trump or we're fucked 2020 shirt, hoodie  You mean that thing you regularly wipe yours asses with... funny how it is a great document when it works to your advantage!well i guess he could since ya'll shut everything down..guess that can shut down too until this virus is under control.Yeah we are not under Trumps dictatorship despite his desires to be a digital age HitlerSo why are they asking the Trump or we're fucked 2020 shirt ?  Why ask the question if it's n

Social distancing I've been preparing for this my whole life shirt

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BUY AT: Social distancing I've been preparing for this my whole life shirt As AG he could probably have recited the Social distancing I've been preparing for this my whole life shirt in the Constitution about scheduling elections. The fact that he paused here means there have most likely been discussions about how the constitution could be circumvented.There are so so many sheep out there...All willing to follow the "Judas Goats"....no matter what is said! Give them a cause and they "will follow it to the death"...their death and that of our Beloved Country ! Social distancing I've been preparing for this my whole life shirt, hoodie  They then shall turn around and scream, like many in other Social distancing I've been preparing for this my whole life shirt where this happened..."WHAT HAPPENED ! Who did this to us? "He can do whatever the spineless let him It's heartening that there's still an ACLU, among so many others, w

Straight outta money shirt

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BUY AT: Straight outta money shirt You do realize if it isn't provided children from poor communities may repeat classes next year while those from private schools progress because they are taking classes online people dying of thirst or dysentery vs YouTube and Facebook? Schools existed before the internet and those same schools educated the people who invented the Straight outta money shirt . Using chalkboards and books not computersDont ever be deluded that kenya doesnt have clean water or people are dying of hunger has the most valid point here. I'm currently in rural remote Kenya. If you all lived here and witnessed what goes on everyday, from hunger, cattle rustling, extreme poverty etc.. You wouldn't prioritize 3G let alone 4G. Straight outta money shirt, hoodie  The billions used for the initiative should have been funnelled to other more Straight outta money shirt .   shut up mannh..  your kids are at home..no school  till next year...Hopefully good peopl

Vodka happy water for fun people shirt

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BUY AT: Vodka happy water for fun people shirt Did you ever think that with access to the Vodka happy water for fun people shirt can research solutions to their problems? Or are you looking for an excuse to save a paltry amount of money ? Kenyans never come asking for your donations. It is your western friends who have found a way of taking your money for safari holidays in Kenya. No one needs your money and no one has benefited from it. The only people who benefit are the people who play on your stupidity, take your money for plush holiday in Africa. Vodka happy water for fun people shirt, hoodie  you should see all the " Vodka happy water for fun people shirt " adverts that are constantly shown on tv for a wide range of subjects, hence my original post it is targeted at nincompoops. They use it for plush hotels, 4wheel drives, expensive restaurants, and safaris. totally agree with you . the phone's aren't free, somebody's paying for them but that'

Live true think big pursure excellence inspire imagination be there stand for equality embrace freedom make a difference shirt

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BUY AT: Live true think big pursure excellence inspire imagination be there stand for equality embrace freedom make a difference shirt  What does the British Empire gives back to its colonies? I know that 58% of the population do and hopefully this figure increases year on year diddums little remainer boy, don't like Britain yet you don't want to go and live in an EU country,  live on bitterness and hate and let them eat you from within. You can review your life choices at the end and true all the things you missed out on, me I'm going to carry on living life and enjoying it. you are the Live true think big pursure excellence inspire imagination be there stand for equality embrace freedom make a difference shirt , not me. At the moment I have much more choice where to live than you. Exactly 31 times more than you., that's a cop out. Live true think big pursure excellence inspire imagination be there stand for equality embrace freedom make a difference shirt, ho

Drugs not hugs don't touch me shirt

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BUY AT: Drugs not hugs don't touch me shirt  There are many people who have come out openly as gay in Kenya and people do not care that much No, you don't know what you are saying. And honestly, I'd be surprised if a gay man is friends with someone who hides their Drugs not hugs don't touch me shirt and assaults and thinks the world is equally stupid enough. not much difference between them as 5g has been used for years in hospitals for xray machinesThe 4G flying condoms over where food is missing. We thought such display didn't do well in Sri Lanka?  Drugs not hugs don't touch me shirt, hoodie  I know which I'd prefer but there is nothing stopping you from doubling your monthly donations is there? I think it's 4G to be able to read the Drugs not hugs don't touch me shirt of his Boris Clown, the Faily Hate and the Faily Torygraph yet Kenya proudly joined the Commonwealth in 1963 so I don't know what's with all the British Empire re

So many bows so little hair shirt

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BUY AT: So many bows so little hair shirt The So many bows so little hair shirt was to improve not because we lack. Which is why I don't want to hear excuses of a homophobic Kenyan apologist who can't digest basic facts. If Kenyans are tolerant to gay men, then Trump is tolerant to Mexicans as well. I use internet all over Kenya .The media is the worst reporter.I work all over Kenya and I travel in Africa and out I know what happens in Africa .Its sad when I see certain news.Travel and learnCheck facts about homophobic attacks that doesn't happen here.i have so many gay friends and I can attest to that.whoever is coming up with that is all baseless. So many bows so little hair shirt, hoodie  I work in fashion and I know what am saying. Are toilets now enough by the So many bows so little hair shirt ?... Not as much as the malaria and Ebola deaths in your country.  The last time I checked, more people die of malaria in India than in Kenya because you people take co

Karekare pilipino style peanut butter oxtail stew shirt

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BUY AT: karekare pilipino style peanut butter oxtail stew shirt you do realize agriculture/food production is devolved function and this has to do with local leadership. do not expect a govt in nairobi to feed a peasant in lamu. almost every home in kenya has a phone and most of those are smartphones which can do a lot. sometimes ignore your emotions I saw a documentary where Russians were paying them to spread misinformation and now I am seeing a lot of pro China comming fro there.Why? A country lacking basic technology and with skyrocketing poverty, focuses on killing gay men and trans women for sport and overwhelming religious superstitions, why should it be a surprise that Kenya doesn't have internet in most parts? Are you talking about India? Anyway sorry dude, the Karekare pilipino style peanut butter oxtail stew shirt is about Kenya... Karekare pilipino style peanut butter oxtail stew shirt, hoodie  You are wrong.Kenya is most tolerant in Africa when it comes to Ga

I don't care what day it is It's early I'm grumpy I want Mtn dew shirt

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BUY AT: I don't care what day it is It's early I'm grumpy I want Mtn dew shirt He doesn't think beyond his feet! I call it self hate! The disappointment is mutual and when it comes to poor governance it's the I don't care what day it is It's early I'm grumpy I want Mtn dew shirt who suffer... Am not against the provision of the 4G internet carrying balloons but my concern is you are one of the few who is privileged to be working at home how many are that privileged with the wake of the pandemic that's all hence my comment on the food and essentials. so google was like hey Kenya I love you so much let me provide 4G internet on your remote areas as a sign of my love to you??? I don't care what day it is It's early I'm grumpy I want Mtn dew shirt, hoodie   No need to try explain my point we all have our different views. And yes Nyeri has remote areas but most children there don't read during holidays they are busy herding catt

Prefiero a una amiga que me diga culera a que una pinche culera me diga amga shirt

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BUY AT: Prefiero a una amiga que me diga culera a que una pinche culera me diga amga shirt We are hearing to 5G now. 4G is outdated in Kenya already am replying you from Kenya in deep village come on mate!  Don't be so naive from what you read from media  may be they are spreading covid remotely I wish these Prefiero a una amiga que me diga culera a que una pinche culera me diga amga shirt were transporting food and other basic amenities to those areas.... Shity government with misplaced priorities- maybe they could then order whatever they wished from Amazon?  Pelin Ozis Are you in Kenya?  Do you work with Google... The government coughed a great deal of money at the beginning of the pandemic towards this project while hospitals had no beds this was the first good news to curb the pandemic they announced to ease communication with our loved ones in remote areas... So kindly I know what am talking aboutPerhaps the internet and communication can bring access to information tha

I survived the garret era shirt

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BUY AT: I survived the garret era shirt May be you can talk of lack of development but not basic needsI am curious as to when do they come down? Where does it land? Does it drop into the I survived the garret era shirt or some Forrest or mountain like a huge piece of trash?There is what u call maintenance. People will monitor it so that it won't just be let it float without guidance just and just fall off.From the article: "The project was announced two years ago but final sign-off from the Kenyan government has only just been given."From The Verge: "Alphabet’s Loon division, which uses floating balloons to provide internet, has today launched its first commercial service in Kenya." I survived the garret era shirt, hoodie  I'm Kenyan and this article is entirely wrong lol. The I survived the garret era shirt were commissioned by Google about a year ago. They have been in operation since.Jazmine Anna Kethi install FlightRadar app.. You'll see se

Not a racist not a bigot not a sexist not a democrat shirt

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BUY AT: Not a racist not a bigot not a sexist not a democrat shirt The conspiracy theorists will magically correlate this to an increase in the Not a racist not a bigot not a sexist not a democrat shirt of the cornova virus in Kenya.Looks like Hulk dropped his Condom from Asgard. I guess the weight of any cable may mean you'd need bigger balloons but at least they wouldn't be subject to wandering.What capitalists will do for more customers.  Amazon is likely behind this Stooooooooooop  ,enough .Great. Not a racist not a bigot not a sexist not a democrat shirt, hoodie  More African experts will be commenting on football.  order food delivery online now   food is abundant in rural areas in Africa.  It's in rural areas that makes food. Urban with this covid might be the one without food. the headline says remote. I am in Kenya. By remote we mean areas such Turkana, which has a lot food by the Not a racist not a bigot not a sexist not a democrat shirt , but also challe

Sleeping with the dungeon master shirt

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BUY AT: Sleeping with the dungeon master shirt Let’s call this what it is, a liberal plot to give an entire country covid so they can scare everyone into giving up their Sleeping with the dungeon master shirt to not wear a face mask. you might be on to something there let's meet up for a chat at your closest psychiatric clinicreally? 98% of kenyan homes have already the phones obviously from china. the bright of china is that in matters technology it has lifted african countries to higher levels. colonial thugs left many countries in bottomless pitsWe need these in the UK my internet is worse than someone in a cave in AfghanistanMedias are good in Exploding with Bullshits Sleeping with the dungeon master shirt, hoodie  . Catching phrase being used is "Help connect people in remote areas with Internet during this time of Covid19"... Do really these people in remote areas need connected to the Sleeping with the dungeon master shirt in this time? What you forgot t

My favorite chord is Gsus shirt

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BUY AT: My favorite chord is Gsus shirt  I think your more starving than them to be honest.A Sharif Mohamad Abubakar they are misinformed.. no one can connect internet where there are no potential users.. or they think that internet is connected on their My favorite chord is Gsus shirt bellies as they seem to suggest..! Laughable!!!Hello!! How are you doing? Are you interested in ( Bitcoin mining)? No experience needed. Easy to grow huge profit online from little start-up funds. Ask me (HOW) i will share infoPeople will complain about lack of food on posts about internet access and will complain about internet access on posts about food delivery... My favorite chord is Gsus shirt, hoodie   it can stay up there for 100 days, then it is brought to ground for service and released back upIn USA - it’s still a problem to have network in very remote areas, so if remote areas of Kenya will have this access, then we are in 2025 communication business of the My favorite chord is Gsus s

Too fat to run too fat to fight I just shoot shirt

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BUY AT: Too fat to run too fat to fight I just shoot shirt what do you mean we beg no have you being in Kenya I can offer you a trip here.then don't count earthly property as yours this all is God's property friend According to OECD DAC statistics, since aid began in the 1960s donors have given a grand total of $502 billion to sub-Saharan Africa, which is worth about $866 billion in today's prices. And it is source from 2010.   it will take a time to pay it back the NSA helping you by helping their Too fat to run too fat to fight I just shoot shirt super computer to watch at you! What did I told you guys!!!!! Too fat to run too fat to fight I just shoot shirt, hoodie  Liam must be an NSA robot We have waited for so long. When is Telecom stop exploiting the Too fat to run too fat to fight I just shoot shirt  with high tarrifs. Data products have taken over all voice products let's accept. Embrace wellI wonder this thing is consuming bundles ,it is like a cracked

The uncletaker shirt

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BUY AT: The uncletaker shirt It is instant way to provide Internet facility more quickly , more cheaper. Possibly not all can avail  this facility  , but most of people  of this area can enjoy this facility.They also launched in Puerto Rico after the earthquake to provide internet for different rescue organizations. They're helium balloons. So I guess they can reach heights above the The uncletaker shirt (i.e. where all the weather occurs). so when will they stop rising, Wil they eventually reach space... How will they keep it focused to Kenya or it might find itself serving Canada or Antarctica...?? The uncletaker shirt, hoodie   helium balloons expand as they rise. Once the denisty of the The uncletaker shirt with the denisty of the air that surrounds it, it stops rising.What’s the point if they can’t afford the iPads and laptops etc. I mean they are always begging for help.I only give to the animal charities. Dont trust many except Pudsey, where the money stays in the

I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you shirt

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BUY AT: I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you shirt Humans would not know the first creation. The I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you shirt remains and the good old light from the stars could offer us a glimpse into the first creations I suppose.Who is this news too if you know anything about evolution you would know this I thought this was common knowledge unless you're a Bible thumper I mean do you think that trexs just emerged from the ocean a couple thousand years ago and Jesus fought them off so man could rule the earthSo let’s get this straight. All life that has developed from what started out as a single cell and grew to be big over millions of years went through a stage of being “ small” ?Wow BBC your perception of evolution is amazing. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you shirt, hoodie  And there was me thinking a T Rex suddenly just popped out of nowhere  You might scoff but there are peo

I don't speak much because I'm brilliant and I'm busy thinking shirt

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BUY AT: I don't speak much because I'm brilliant and I'm busy thinking shirt You ever heard of The big bang?Why are People so interested in something that doesn't exist. Concentrate on Vaccine boys. Can't believe i got reprimanded by Facebook for sharing this article on my group because of the words used in the I don't speak much because I'm brilliant and I'm busy thinking shirt eso sí que no All the times europe and other nations get blamed for the situation in Africa, we simply need to direct critics to these theads. Pretty obvious why it continues to lack progress and development based on the comments on here . alright then would you mind giving me the sources for those statistics or the peer reviewed research. For the sake of me educating myself.Also I agree with you for the latter part being agnostic myself and a student in STEM. Im glad you acknowledge that there's a problem in Africa but theres also historically accurate facts implicat

Unicorn pew pew madafakas shirt

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BUY AT: Unicorn pew pew madafakas shirt Whatever next, you gonna tell me we are related to dumb mammals or something? same one that dropped you on your head.....tell your mom I want my money back I think you’re sensitive to hearing something that sounds big but actually comes up short with further inspection.  poor thing"may"  ? what fool at the Unicorn pew pew madafakas shirt has only just woken up to something the scientific world has known for a very long time and decided to post it.Hey bozo, BBC didn't do this research; it's reporting on some newly-published research by scientists, based on recently-found fossils. Jebus. Unicorn pew pew madafakas shirt, hoodie  BBC does a lot of things, but usually BBC News reports on and analyses events and the activities of others, not themselves.I though we should be worried about finding the Unicorn pew pew madafakas shirt for corona virus.I'm sure all of the paleontologists will be working too hard at coming up w

Got a problem send Rip shirt

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BUY AT: Got a problem send Rip shirt Even the Got a problem send Rip shirt knows that... Why don't humans evolve further...  Who created the gases that reacted and lead formation of living organisms.. Why did the gases stopped reacting to continue forming those organisms?  so when did species last underwent evolution..and are there even a drop in the ocean element of evolution since then? You never answered this.. Where did the gases come from.. . Who originated that ocean you mentioned?, no I think you will find only the most illiterate would believe that. Evolution is proven fact back with plenty of evidence. Humans evolved based on necessity to become the alpha species. Got a problem send Rip shirt, hoodie   There's nothing to say we will not evolve again. Thanks to to technology and such developments we not need to evolve to adapt to our surroundings and environment as we want it evolution has it that we evolved from simple species such as gases... Then where did